A popular education tool for your community


Practical and Easy-to-Use
No expertise required. The Nonprofits Talking Taxes toolkit has everything you need to begin a conversation in your organization or coalition. It includes: the interactive presentation slides that are customizable to your group and timeframe; a trainer manual to give you all the background info you need; a quick-reference fact sheet for your participants to take home; three entertaining and informative videos; and handouts for activities to add to your meeting or event. Access the toolkit now.

Conversations for the Common Good
If you can talk and listen to another person, you're well qualified to lead this workshop. That's what common good conversations are all about. Since the common good is about creating a world that is beneficial for all living things, we all need to be part of the conversation. "Does Measure X on our state's ballot contribute to the common good?" "How can we advocate for the people our nonprofit serves?" The workshop will help you discuss these questions (and others) in a way that fosters collaboration (not competition, arguments, or discord). Check out the PowerPoints and Trainer Guide for more on leading collaborative conversation.

Speaking with a Powerful Voice
You came to work in your nonprofit because you had a passion to create change in the world – change for good. Everyone who works in nonprofits did, and we each speak for the issues of our cause. Collectively, we also make up 10% of the workforce. What if we spoke with one voice for the common good too? Could we all do better if we all did better? We believe it's possible, and this workshop will help you begin the important first step: starting a conversation that helps us realize our collective power. Check out the toolkit. Follow us on Twitter!