An Annual Board Committee Report
By Jan Masaoka
Instead of asking board committees for monthly written reports or having only verbal reports at board meetings, consider asking committee chairs to write an "Annual Report" at the end of each year describing their committees' activities and decisions. These reports can be included with the board minutes in the organization's formal, permanent records.
Here is a simple format that committees can use for an "Annual Report of the Committee":
"Annual Report" from a Board Committee A summary report on the Committee's work this last year, with recommendations to the staff and the full board.
Committee: ________________________________
Period of time this report covers: ________________________________
Committee chair: ________________________________
Committee members: ___________________________________________
The main objectives for the Committee: ____________________________
Summary of recent accomplishments and current activities:
List of activities in progress and upcoming events/discussions:
Recommendations to the Executive Director/CEO:
Recommendations to the Board of Directors:
Original publication date: 11/10/1997
© 1997 CompassPoint Nonprofit Services

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