Unless otherwise noted, all programs & events listed are held online via Zoom in Pacific time.
March 2025
Multi-Session Series
Building Equitable & Just Organizations Through Individual & Relational Practices
Wednesdays 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 | 9:30am-1pm
Registration Fee: $750We spend a huge portion of our lives in the workplace. We all deserve to work in environments that feel safe, empowering, and enable us to succeed. In this learning series, participants will be provided with a supportive learning space and tools to critically reflect, ideate, and practice strategies and skills for shifting power and centering relationships in their workplaces, using Black feminist, anti-racist, and organizational psychology frameworks to develop their leadership praxis. While we recognize that as individuals, we don’t always have the decision-making power to make these changes in our organizations ourselves, this space focuses on what we can do as individuals to model and influence culture change.
Learn more and register >>
Single Sessions
Asian Affinity Pods: Lessons in Loving Our People & Building Pro-Blackness
Friday 3/21 | 9:30am-12:30pm
Registration Fee: Sliding scale ($75-$225)Convening in racial affinity groups is a powerful way to transform relationships and support people in reaching political consciousness and alignment. For diasporic Asian people working in the social change nonprofit sector, participating in an Asian affinity group with one's peers can further encourage us to liberate our own voices, and disrupt both anti-Blackness and internalized racism within ourselves and our organizations. Whether you are an Asian person working at a nonprofit who is simply curious about participating in a racial affinity group or someone who already has experience in practicing racial affinity or caucus work, we invite you to join us in an intimate virtual gathering where we explore the value of racial affinity work and connect our learnings to practices that support each other and our Black colleagues and comrades.
Learn more and register >>
April 2025
Multi-Session Series
How You Be? Radical Visioning as Black Leaders
Fridays 4/4, 4/11, 4/25 | 9:30am-12:30pm
Registration Fee: $675When Black folks step into greater power and responsibility, they often inherit old visions and outdated traditions of enacting leadership that don't necessarily align with or fully capture their brilliance, values, and potential. Furthermore, Black leaders generally have few opportunities to commune with their peers or receive thought partnership on shared day-to-day struggles. This learning series provides the time, spaciousness, peer support, and resources for Black people in leadership to grow their creativity and vision in order to reground in their purpose and increase their transformative impact on the organizations, communities, and movements they lead.
Learn more and register >>
For information on past programs, check out our Developing Leaders page.