Professionial Development - Follow Up Resources

Follow Up Resources

Professional Development Planning

These resources can be used to support further applications of skills, knowledge, and tools presented at the workshop.  Please check our website for more workshops for more learning opportunities.  Please respect any fair use and copyright for any of the resources below. 



Guidelines to professional development planning:

  1. Consider the skills, knowledge, and competencies that represent great performance in your current role and/or a role to which you aspire.
  2. Based on your annual performance goals and feedback from your supervisor, mentor, and peers, select at least two areas in which you would like to develop. You may focus only on your current role, or you might select one area that applies to your current role and one area that is more aspirational.
  3. Write specific goals describing how/what you want to change or improve.
  4. Ask yourself: What can I do differently/better that would make the greatest positive impact in my work? What development priorities will give me the greatest leverage in improving my individual leadership and management competencies or organizational performance?
  5. To be completed in tandem with your annual performance goals and in collaboration with your supervisor.


