Fundraising Bright Spots: How Do We Mobilize Resources Right Now?
These are supporting resources for participants in CompassPoint's Fundraising Bright Spots: How Do We Mobilize Resources Right Now? conversations. Please respect any fair use and copyright for any of the resources below.
Find additional CompassPoint resources and current offerings on our Leading Through the Corona Era page.
2021 Series
Session 1: March 16, 2021
How can we collaborate to mobilize resources right now?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- "Visions, Values, and Process for Joint Funder Engagement" from Coming Clean
- "10 Principles of Collaborative Fundraising" by Rockwood Fellows, Resource Leaders 2019: Marisa Aguayo, Anathea Chino, Gerri Lawrence, Linda Lee, and Mostafa Mahboob
Session 2: June 8, 2021
How can resource mobilizers support donors' civic and political journeys?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
2020 Series
Session 1: May 13, 2020
How do we mobilize resources right now?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- "Pushing Back Against Habits of White Supremacy During a Crisis" by Kad Smith
- Klein & Roth Consulting E-Newsletter
Session 2: June 23, 2020
How do we engage donors right now?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- Fundraising in the face of COVID-19, from the Association of Fundraising Professionals Golden Gate Chapter (Recording)
Donor organizing
- "Growing Donor Organizers Through Giving Projects: Four Years Later" by Zeke Spier and Allison Johnson Heist
- "'Donors' If You Mean Rich People, Just Say So." By Iimay Ho
Session 3: July 22, 2020
How do we plant seeds for the future?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- How Do We Plant Seeds for the Future? (Slides)
- "Map Your Current Fundraising Efforts and Build on Bright Spots" by Steve Lew
- "Mapping Our Experiences: A Training Exercise" by GIFT and FIERCE
- Community-Centric Fundraising Checklist
- "How Liberatory Philanthropy and Restorative Investing Can Remake the Economy" by Rodney Foxworth (The Nonprofit Quarterly)
- Board Fundraising Workshop Agenda by Kavita Aiyar
Session 4: August 26, 2020
How do we organize donors right now?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- Justice Funders - If you'd like to co-host a Movement Commons Development Staff Dialogue where you live, email Mario.
- Giving Side - A new website that tracks and remembers your giving history. Be an early beta member by requesting early access (make sure to mention Bright Spots).
- "The Glorious Pull of Political Openings" by Mario Lugay
Session 5: September 23, 2020
Donor organizing in organizations & movements
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- Giving Project Learning Community
- Generative Somatics
- Community-Centric Fundraising
Session 6: November 18, 2020
Why deepen grassroots fundraising now?
- Fundraising Bright Spots Program Webinar (Recording)
- Grassroots Fundraising Journal archive from Nonprofit Quarterly