Successful Project Management - Follow Up Resources

Follow Up Resources

Successful Project Management

These resources can be used to support further applications of skills, knowledge, and tools presented at the workshop. Please check our website for more workshops for more learning opportunities. Please respect any fair use and copyright for any of the resources below. 



Templates, Samples, and Exercises

Team Chart Templates

Calendar and Gantt Chart How-To's

  • How to create a printable blank calendar to help with "Post-It note" planning:  
    • Create a new calendar in your outlook or Google calendar (we usually name it “blank”). 
    • Print the calendar using the "monthly style" (in print options/preferences) for the dates you want to plan for.  We like to print it using 11x17 paper (and single sided).  
    • Using Post-It notes allows you to reuse the calendar for another project during that time period.
  • Planning Calendar Format: Simple Word Document Calendar (more free form but with some structure - can be uploaded to collaborative space like Google Docs and worked on remotely with dispersed teams)

Online Project Management Tools (Links and reviews)

A couple reminders and  food for thought on software: 

Learning curve: no matter how “user-friendly” any software or online tool is, you (and your users) will still need to commit a decent amount of time to learn how to use it best for your needs.  In my project management class many of my students offered this suggestion: Don’t start with the biggest most complicated project to learn the tool.  Find something smaller as a good test run/learning approach.

Good project management software/online tools (not tools that are just glorified task managers); require you are relatively sound on project management fundamentals.  The term “garbage in/garbage out” is a term a lot of my project management peers often use when it comes to how to effectively use software/tools for project management. 

  • Techsoup is a great site for these types of overview articles.  
    • They aren’t comprehensive, but really helpful in thinking about software selection/use.  There are great articles on collaborative software too!  (links to software and services like basecamp are listed within these articles).  
  • Overview of true project management software: Online Project Management Tools Reviews 
  • Reviews on online task managers (not true project management tools, but more “to-do” list management):
  • Google Based Apps (for those who are using Google Apps) here's a list of apps in the App Marketplace. 
  • Smartsheet is known for both good functionality AND flexibility
  • Instagantt is an integration for project management for individuals or teams who are already using Asana.

Other Resources