Posts Tagged "Self-Care"

CompassPoint team members spring opara and Simone Thelemaque in captured mid-conversation, with a background of colorful flower behind them
March 9, 2022

When we manage our time and energy solely through the capitalist value of “productivity over people”, we often are unable to tend to our whole selves and practice the self-care habits that may sustain us for the long haul. We're inviting you into a deeper conversation and practice to reclaim time and manage energy.

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Tags: Self-Care
January 8, 2020

As we enter a new decade, we wanted to share an invitation for introspection and reflection. What will you bring forward and what will you let go of?

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August 23, 2017

In this guest blog, Lauren (Finn) Lofton (Senior Subsidized Housing Advocate & Policy Analyst for Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco and a participant in CompassPoint's Public Training Program) asks: how can we center self-care in social justice movement work?

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September 22, 2016

How do some structures at nonprofit organizations make it harder for people of color to thrive and survive? In this open letter to other POC leaders, Project Director Lupe Poblano explores how patriarchal, white dominant structures that prioritize hierarchy and productivity fail to support community, connection, and the ability to bring our authentic selves to work. 

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August 7, 2015

In our blog this week, CompassPoint's newest staff member, Asha Mehta, shares how positive or negative feelings about a task influenced her perception of the time she allocated to it. It was a wakeup call to understanding how something as mundane as time tracking could serve as a powerful mirror of our own values and judgments – and a starting place for personal understanding and transformation. Welcome, Asha!

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January 17, 2015

At CompassPoint, we believe that nonprofit leaders and social change makers are more resilient and can work sustainably when they have a practice of self-care. Embedding self-care into our work has become a theme for our own organization and a fundamental part of how we work alongside others to create sustainable ways of moving toward change. 

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