5 ways developing shared knowledge and understanding about money and resources helps organizations build power

We're bringing two money-and resource-related trainings your way this summer: one focused on finance and another focused on fundraising! We're excited to bring content about managing money and resources back as a core part of our offerings, with revamped content and news ways to explore the crucial work of resourcing our missions. As we prepare to bring these trainings back online, we're asking: What's so powerful about democratizing knowledge, access, and understanding about money and resources across our organizations?

May 17, 2021

Supervising in a Crisis: Slowing Down and Focusing on Relationships

With so much urgency and crisis, it feels counterintuitive to make tending to tasks and projects secondary. But in order for us to do the important work that this moment calls for, we must first tend to our people and honor their individual needs, and make space for their unique contributions. This is the first step towards doing “the work” with integrity and wholeness.

May 21, 2020


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