Grounding, Love, Chaos, and Grief: Parenting and Organizational Leadership During COVID-19

It is impossible to pick the right adjective to describe these past few weeks because they have been all the adjectives. It’s been a blessing and a burden to be at home while working full-time. Caretaking has brought equal parts heart warmth and heartburn. As an organizational leader, I've felt guilt, fear, insecurity, inspiration, and appreciation. Mostly though, I've just felt exhausted. It feels like every part of my life has been collapsed into the same physical space, with no boundaries or end in sight.

May 4, 2020

Reimagining Compensation: It’s Time to Stop Building on Inequities of the Past (Part 1)

Compensation is where our values are tested, our willingness to take (real or perceived) organizational risks is codified, and ultimately where decisions are made that directly affect people’s livelihood. That’s why we’re going a little deeper and sharing our story of reimagining compensation at CompassPoint over the next three blogs. 

November 12, 2019

Standing Against White Supremacy

Gilroy. Dayton. El Paso. The news of these horrible massacres over the last week has weighed deeply on all of us. Yesterday, in Mississippi, we bore witness to the largest US immigration raid in a decade—nearly 700 lives violently interrupted, families that will be ripped at the seams, and communities left broken. We stand in solidarity with the Black and Brown communities that have been targeted and terrorized, and everyone else who has been affected. 

August 8, 2019


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